General screening saves lives

  • The necessary laboratory tests for women

by Kyriakos Yiannoukas*

The recent pandemic highlighted the great importance of screening: based on internationally research, the restrictive measures imposed to limit the transmission of the corona virus resulted in reduced participation of citizens in screening tests, which in turn led to reduced or delayed diagnoses of serious diseases for a large number of people worldwide, limiting significantly the possibility of effective treatment.

Checkup is a great gift for everyone. It reflects our health status as it can unearth even severe disease at an early stage. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, which is celebrated every year on March 8, we will analyze a brief list of tests that are important for the health of every woman, to make an early diagnosis of any possible health issues.

A complete checkup includes more than 50 analyses from blood sample, urine sample and stool sample. The results of these medical tests are an important indicator for the evaluation of various diseases such as: Anemia, which is more common in women mainly due to the regular loss of blood during menstruation, cardiovascular diseases, various types of cancer (evaluating cancer markers for pancreas, gastrointestinal system, ovaries, breast, bladder), the function of thyroid, the liver, urinary, gastrointestinal, and immune system, joint diseases, possible infection by hepatitis virus (A, B, C), diabetes, and osteoporosis which is also more common in women.

General screening is divided into groups / categories of special analyses. Each category consists of the most basic medical tests which are necessary for the information needed to assess the function of our internal organs that make up the basic functions of our body. Usually, a complete checkup is recommended for once a year.

Of great importance for women is also vitamin D and B12 checkup. Even though Cyprus is a sun-drenched country, a large part of our population, especially women, lack vitamin D, which is important for the bones and teeth. Additionally, recent research links vitamin D with enhanced immunity and protection from serious diseases. B12 is essential for our organism as it has an important role in the creation of red blood cells and cell division.

Hormonal control is also important for women aged 40 and over.

The tests that each patient should undergo depend on a series of factors such as family medical history, age, etc. It is extremely useful for the patients to consult their personal doctor who is aware and has knowledge of their medical history, as they are the ones who will decide on the examination plan.

It goes without saying that to stay healthy, it is imperative to follow the basic principles of preventive care to the letter.

Healthy diet

Regular exercise

Manage weight

Avoid alcohol misuse

Smoking cessation.

General screening based on the recommendations of our personal doctor, is beneficial for our health. After all, it is proven that prevention saves lives!

*CEO of Yiannoukas Medical Laboratories BIOIATRIKI Healthcare Group in Cyprus